Science and Baseball Research Committee

Welcome to the Science and Baseball Committee!

The mission of the Science Committee is to explore, disseminate, and foster research in the science of baseball, broadly construed to include behavioral, physical, and natural sciences. The Committee will provide a forum for all members with an interest in scientific matters, regardless of background or training.

Specific Goals of the Committee

  1. Compile and annotate the scientific literature on baseball for distribution to interested members and inclusion in the Baseball Index where not already indexed.
  2. Develop and maintain a website that would include links to resources and organizations of interest to SABR members and non-members who may desire to conduct research in these areas.
  3. Develop and maintain a discussion list for the exchange of ideas and information.
  4. Foster authorship of publications that would review and integrate the scientific literature at large with the purposes of:
    a. Making the academic and scientific literature more accessible to non-scientists with an interest in the topic.
    b. Encouraging more and better applied and experimental research in academic disciplines.
    c. Promoting the increased use of experimentally validated knowledge by professionals within, or connected to, our national pastime.
    d. Documenting the history of applied scientific research in baseball.
  5. Support original experimental research, through consultation, pooling of resources and information, identifying sources of potential grant support for researchers, and the establishment of an award for contributions to applied experimental research (for life-time contribution or for best original research contribution).
  6. Publish a newsletter summarizing and coordinating Committee activities and providing a publication outlet for articles on subjects within the scope of the committee’s charter.
  • Newsletters: To find current and past Science of Baseball committee newsletters, click here.
  • Announcements: To sign up for email announcements from this committee, click the “Announcements” button above, then click “Join Group” (). All SABR members are eligible to sign up for announcements from any committee.


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